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GGB Protest Marketing

Tiana Day, the 17 year old BLM activist has led protests around California. However, of all the protests that Tiana has led, her Golden Gate Bridge Protest is by far the most well known. But why? Is it because so many people showed up? Is it because she gave a great

speech? Or, is it because she led the protest with Mimi Zoila, a 19 year old white girl who had met Tiana the day before the protest via Instagram?

Tiana mentioned to us that after the Golden Gate Bridge protest, Mimi stopped protesting. Even though Tiana kept protesting, people stopped following her journey. People loved the idea of a black girl and white girl being best friends and leading protests together. News sites would call them best friends and say “you're like sisters, it’s amazing.” Tiana told us that different sites would market their story more than others because the two girls were different races.


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